Sunday, October 6, 2013

2013 Girls State Tennis Tournament

October 10th - 12th, 2013
Sioux Falls, SD

Coach Bussler and Coach Steinley will plan on leaving at 9:00 am on Wednesday, Oct. 9th from the East Activities Doors.

If you are riding with your parents, please fill out a travel release form by 9:00 am on Wednesday.  The Activities Office will need to have a copy in their office by then. 

We will arrive back in Rapid City on Saturday, Oct. 12th about 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

What to Bring
ALL of your uniforms!
WARM clothes, too!!
Food:  granola bars, Gatorade, Water Jugs, Snacks
Money for incidentals.
All meals will be paid for with vouchers.

State T-Shirts
If you ordered a tshirt, please bring money for it.  If you write a check, please leave it blank for Coach Krueger.

Tianna:  $45
Kendall:  $20
Chelsey:  $20
Skye:  $20
Marianna:  $20

We will be staying at The Comfort Inn South in Sioux Falls.

Play will take place at the following tennis courts:

McKennan Park:  Flights 1 and 2 Singles and Flight 1 Doubles
Washington:  Flights 3 and 4 Singles and Flight 2 Doubles
Brandon Valley:  Flights 5 and 6 Singles and Flight 3 Doubles

STM and Spearfish Duals have been cancelled due to weather

Monday, September 30, 2013

RC Central vs. RC Stevens - Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 - 4:00 - Sioux Park

Tuesday, October 1st, RC Central will play RC Stevens at Sioux Park.  The dual will begin at 4:00.  You will be dismissed at 2:45.  Please be at the courts at 3:15 for warm up!


We will also be hosting Senior Night!  All seniors will be honored at this dual. 


In addition we will have a party to celebrate, not only the seniors, but the season as well!  It has been a great season!  Stevens players will bring pizza and drinks and we will bring appetizers and dessert - so take a look at the list below for the list!  If you have questions, please give me a call!


Kendall, Tianna and Chelsey.........Big Cookie from Eileen's...YUM!

Skye, Marianna, Devorah..............Each bring a box of Crackers - any kind!

Hallie, Hayley, Hope.....................Each bring a plate of cheese cut up into squares or string cheese!

Meghan, Karen, Shania ................Each 1 dozen cookies/bars/brownies or more...

Stephanie, Emily, McKenzie.........Each fruit  - like cut up applies, grapes, pineapple, etc...

Veronica, Brytani, Kaitlin.............Each veggies  - carrots, celery, etc.....

Jasmine, Laura, Kamilla ...............Package of napkins or plates


Sunday, September 29, 2013

JV Tournament Sioux Park 11:00am Monday, September 30th, 2013

All JV Players will be dismissed on Monday, Sept. 30th at 10:00.  Please be at Sioux Park by 10:45 to warm up.  You will all play singles and doubles.  It is going to be a wonderful day!  Good Luck and Have Fun!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pierre Invite

The Pierre Invite

Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27th and Sept 28th

Players will be dismissed at 10:30 am from class and we will leave at approximately 11:00 am.

 Our first match will be against Pierre at 3:30 on Friday Afternoon.  Dress warm!  The temperature keeps falling!!  and the chance of rain is increasing!

Friday:  We play Pierre at 3:30 pm at Griffin Park. 

Saturday:  We begin play at 9:00 am against Aberdeen Central  (dress warm again!)  high of 70.
                 at 1:00 we will play Mitchell.  All games on Saturday will be 10 game pro sets.

We will be staying at the Days Inn in Pierre:  520 W. Sioux Ave.  605-224-0411

Estimated time of arrival back in Rapid City is 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm???

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Aberdeen/Sioux Falls Trip

Aberdeen/Sioux Falls Girls Tennis Trip

Friday, Sept. 20th the girls will take on Aberdeen Central at 1:00pm and at 3:00 Aberdeen Roncali.
Saturday, Sept. 21st the girls will play in the Elliot Extravaganza.  Play starts at 9:00 am with Singles and then 1:00 with Doubles.

Below is our Schedule of Hotels for both JV and Varsity.  The JV will return on Saturday night.  The JV will travel to Watertown Saturday night and then to Sioux Falls on Sunday.  We will be staying in Sioux Falls Sunday and Monday nights.

Mon, Sept 23rd we will begin play at 1:00 against SF O Gorman and then 4:00 against Roosevelt.
Tues, Sept 24th we will begin play at 9:00 against SF Washington and then 12:00 aginast SF Lincoln.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

RC Central and RC Stevens Girls Tennis Meet rescheduled for Monday, Sept 16th

The RC Central and RC Stevens Girls Tennis Meet (Sept 17th) has been reschedule for Monday, Sept 16th!

We will play at 4:00 at Parkview Courts.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

This Week at RC Central Cobbler Girls Tennis (Sept 9th-Sept 14)

Just a couple of notes this week....

1.  T-Shirts!  Thanks to Daniele and Audra - the T shirts are beautiful.  We can still order more - so get your order in by the end of this week.  You can email Audra, Daniele or myself (text to) for your order!  Same prices as before.

2.  Pierre Invite:  Tuesday, September 10th

     We will leave RC Central East Activities Entrance at 8:00am.  Be there by 7:45am!
     Our schedule is:     RC Central Varsity vs. Aberdeen Roncali Varsity at 1:15pm
                                    RC Central JV  vs. Pierre JV at 1:15pm
                                    RC Central Varsity vs. Pierre Varsity at 3:00pm

Bring:  Lots of Water, Gatorade, granola bars, sandwiches, bug spray, sunscreen, towel and change of clothes!

We will stop and eat before leaving Pierre.

The JV may leave a little early if they finish before the varsity.

Return time is approximately:  8:30pm  - 9:00pm

3.  Watertown/Brookings Triangular:  Friday, September 13th

     We will leave RC Central East Activities Entrance at approx. 4:30pm and will drive to          
     Sioux Falls and stay there both Thursday and Friday nights.

Brookings Triangular Schedule:

RCC Varsity vs. Watertown Varsity     10:30 am
RCC Varsity vs. Brookings Varsity        2:30 pm

JV will play when there are open courts available!  So be ready to play at any time!  :)

Brandon Valley Jamboree Schedule:

RCC Varsity vs. SF Lincoln            9:00 am
RCC Varsity vs. Milbank                12:00 noon
RCC Varsity vs. SF Washington     3:00 pm

Bring lots of food for Saturday....we won't have a lot of time to stop and get stuff!

We will plan on leaving Sioux Falls around 5:00 pm with a return time of 9:30pm or so (Rapid City time)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Rapid City Invite and Brandon Valley Dual

The Rapid City Invite is here and it is HOT!


A couple of reminders:

I would like everyone to bring ONE box/container/bag of a Healthy Snack to share with our team mates and with other players.  It is a nice gesture.  Joey and Meghan will help manage the snacks.  They will be kept up by the shed.

The Invite starts at 1:00 tomorrow, so JV players I have changed your dismissal time for 11:20. Please be at the courts about 12:30. 

Varsity You are still dismissed all day....But same applies....We start at 1:00 at Sioux Park!  So please be there about 12:30.


Starts at 9:00, be there at 8:00 am!

Bring lots of water, Gatorade, etc!

If you are on the schedule to bring healthy snacks, please bring a box/container!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mitchell Dual's August 27th

The Mitchell Duals are coming up next week.  We will be playing Vermillion at 12:30 and Mitchell at 3:00.  We will be playing a 10 game pro set.

Since it is the second day of school, please talk with your teachers before we leave -- sometime on Monday if possible OR at OPEN HOUSE on Thursday at Central or at South and East, too!

I will have more information as the week goes on.  I will put it here on the blog and as a handout to take home! 

Student Athlete Character Counts Presentation! MUST SEE!

You are invited to an FCA Event…
Wednesday, August 21, 7:00 pm
Rapid City Central High School theatre (old)
Wade Salem’s presentation
will inspire and challenge student-athletes
to integrate character in their sport and life.
Free and open to the public
EDUCATE Character – ESTABLISH Culture – ENGRAVE Qualities
Please sign up with Coach Steinley! 
I know it is a crazy week, but I think this will benefit all of us! I encourage all of you to attend this event!  It goes hand in hand with tennis and tennis etiquette - and good sportsmanship!

Changes to This Weeks Practice Schedule!

This is going to be ONE CRAZY WEEK!  Here is the revised version for practice this week!

Tuesday Practice:          7:00am - 10:00am
Wednesday Practice:     4:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday Practice:        NO PRACTICE  - You can meet at Sioux Park at 11:00am with         
                                      Kendall and Tianna's group OR  meet at Parkview to play singles or doubles!
Friday Practice:             4:00pm to 6:00pm

Saturday, August 17, 2013

T Shirts, Team Photos, Pizza Ranch and Much More!!


are due on Monday at 5:30!  They range in price from $12 for a dry fit wicking t shirt to $25 for a hoodie.  The Tshirts will be RED and the Hoodie is Black! See the order form for images!  Here is the older version of the design for the T Shirt (designed by Audra Franke!)  We made a change on the text.  We changed "Girls" to "Cobbler".  Can't wait to get them!

T Shirt Orders due by 5:30 pm  Monday, August 19th!


are 5:30 on Tuesday, August 20th in Art Alley

We will be taking TWO different photos.  One with summer dresses/sundresses/summery outfits in red/white or as close as you can get! pinks will work!  Denim shorts can work if you don't have a summer dress or skirts, etc.  No flip flops---we can go barefoot!

Bring your Photo Order Forms!  If you need one --- I have them at the shed at Parkview---pick one up on Monday morning.

I will also bring some skirts that I will share for photos....I do have a few red shirts, too!  If you have some items of clothing that you could share or let others borrow for photos----please bring them!  THANK YOU!!!



on Monday, August 19th!  Be there at 4:15!  Should be fun!!!

7:00 AM PRACTICE (Monday and Tuesday)

7am Practice on both Monday and Tuesday can run late if it fits in your schedule.  I will plan on staying until 10am if anyone else can stay!


Challenge Matches for Doubles will start on Monday.  We will finish up a few singles matches and then move on to Doubles.  So if you still have a singles match to play, you can do that first!


Our first Dual is against STM on Saturday, August 24th at 10:00 am at Parkview!  Bring all of your fans!! We need lots of support there to cheer you on!  STM only has 12 players.  We will play the top 12 players, but I would like everyone to dress and be there to cheer on your team mates!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Parent Meeting

Parent Meeting for Girls Tennis Parents is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14th at 5:30pm at Parkview Courts.

We will be discussing:

The Tennis Season
Practice Times and Scheduled Meets (home and away)
Fundraising - Rushmore Bowl Tickets, etc.
Rules and Etiquette
Healthy Snack Schedule
Parent Volunteers for various meets, etc. As they come up!  :)

Any questions... Please give me a call/text or email!

T Shirt Designs

T Shirt Designs are here!  Take a look at all the wonderful designs that Mrs. Franke created! Beautiful!  There are 27 designs to choose from that include T Shirt color.  Now comes the hard part!  You get to choose YOUR FAVORITE!!  Below each image is a caption with numbers.  Each T Shirt is numbered.  Choose your favorite T Shirt by texting me the number found in that caption below each T Shirt image.  Good Luck!  Please try to choose one by Friday, August 16th.  We are working on getting quotes for Short Sleeved, Long Sleeved and Hoodies.  Is anyone interested in Dry Fit Tshirts?   As soon as we get the quotes, I will post it and we can get the ball rolling!

T Shirts 1-6 (starting at left for both rows)

T Shirts 7-12 (starting at left for both rows)

T Shirts 13-15 (starting at left for both rows)

T Shirts 16-18 (starting at left for both rows)

T Shirts 19-21 (starting at left for both rows)

T Shirts 22-25 (starting at left for both rows)

T Shirts 26-27 (starting at left for both rows)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pizza Ranch - August 19th! Put this on your calendar!!

This is just a reminder that we have a Fundraising Commitment at Pizza Ranch on Monday, August 19th.  Be there by 4:15 and plan on working until 8:00 or 9:00!  See you all there!

There will be no afternoon practice on Monday, the 19th.

Pre Season Team Meeting - August 8th at 4:00 pm at Parkview Courts

There will be an informational pre-season meeting for any girl (middle school and high school)
 interested in playing tennis for Rapid City Central Tennis this fall.

The meeting will be held at

Parkview Tennis Courts on

August 8th at 4:00pm

Parent Consent Forms
Team Rules
Meet Schedule
Practice Schedule
and much, much more!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Just a Few......

Just a few little things before practice starts on August 12th!!

1.  The new uniforms came in today and they are CUTE!! 

2.  If you haven't, make sure you get your physical done before August 12th!!  You can go to for the forms!  You can take the completed physical forms to the Activities Office at Central after August 5th or you can bring them to our first practice on August 12th!

3.  Parent Consent Forms are also due on August 12th.  You can pick those up at the Activities Office after August 5th.

3.  I have changed practice please make sure you check the practice schedule!  Our first practice is at 7:00 am at Parkview Courts on August 12th!

4.  If you haven't been spending time outside....Start today!  It is warm and you will need to acclimate or get used to the warm weather before you  start practicing and playing outside!

5.  Remember to drink lots of water while you are exercising! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Rapid City Open Tennis Tournament

Register now for the

Rapid City Open Tennis Tournament

Aug 10-11, 2013
Below is the information that you need to sign up this event! 
Get some tournament play practice for this upcoming season!
2013 Rapid City Open
Junior and Adult Tennis Tournament
Saturday-Sunday, August 10-11
Sanctioned by the USTA and RC Rec Dept.
Tournament ID # 550021913
Sponsored by:
Rapid Precious Metals, Inc (Bob Spomer, President)
 Entries Must Be Received by Wed, Aug 7th  Draws will be posted Thursday, Aug 8th
Requirements:             Participants must provide seeding information to be considered for seeding.
        Each participant must have their own entry form.
Awards:                        1st and 2nd places in all events. There will be Consolation for singles and doubles.
Regulations:                 All winners bracket matches are best 2 of 3, with a 3rd set being a super tiebreaker to 10.
        Consolation matches will be a 10 game pro set with 12 point tie-breakers used in all matches.
        15 minute default rule enforced.  
        Divisions may be combined and no-add scoring may be used if needed.
        **You may play in 3 events if the 3rd is Mixed Doubles
Check In:                      Sioux Park Tennis Courts at 7–8:30 AM. (MDT) on Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Fees:                              Singles only $20.00. Doubles- $30 ($15 per player). Mixed doubles $30 ($15 per player).           Singles and Doubles together are $35.00. Add mixed for $50 total
*If you sign up on-line there are added fees!
Information:               Sioux Park (605) 394-6965               Fax         (605) 394-5307    Jason Olson: 484-6973
Phone (          ) _____________________ Cell Phone (       ) ____________________________
Age _________ Birthdate ______/______/______ Male _______ Female _______
Boy’s Singles:  12U___14U___16U___18U___                  Girl’s Singles: 12U___14U___16U___18U___
Boys’ Dbls:      12U___14U___16U___18U___                  Girls’ Dbls:     12U___14U___16U___18U___
Mixed Doubles             14U___ 16U___ 18’s play in Open
Partner(s)__________________________________ / _________________________________________
Men’s Singles:              Open ______ Intermediate _______ Beginner _________
Men’s Doubles:            Open ______ Intermediate _______ Beginner _________
Women’s Singles:        Open ______ Intermediate _______ Beginner _________
Women’s Doubles:      Open ______ Intermediate _______ Beginner _________
Mixed Doubles:           Open ______ Intermediate _______ Beginner _________
Partner(s)____________________________________________ / ________________________________________
Other: Parent Child Doubles:
Partner(s)____________________________________________________        Total fees submitted: ________
SEND ENTRIES FROM TO RC REC DEPT ATTN: Jason Olson, 515 West Blvd, Rapid City, SD 57701
OR FAX ENTRY FORM TO (605) 394 – 5307

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Girls Tennis 2013 Practice Schedule

2013 Rapid City Central Girls Tennis Practice Schedule  -  This schedule is Tentative.  It may change per scheduling conflicts with teacher in-service, etc.

Practice starts on Monday, August 12th, 2013.    All Practices will be at Parkview Courts.

Practice Times Week One and Two:

Monday, August 12th – Friday, August 16th

 (First practice will be informational with about ½ hour of practice)

7:00 am – 8:30 am at Parkview

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm at Parkview

Monday and Friday, August 19th  - 23rd

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm at Parkview Courts

And then school starts…….and our busy schedule begins……

Practices Week Three:

Monday, August 26th                       4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Wed and Thurs, August 28th – 29th  4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Practices Week Four:

Mon – Wed, September 2nd – 4th     4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Friday, September 6th                         4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Practices Week Five:

Monday, September 9th                     4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Wednesday, September 11th              4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Practices Week Six:

Wed & Thurs, Sept 25th & 26th          4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Practices Week Seven:

Monday, September 30th                   4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (Varsity only)

Wed – Fri, Oct 2nd – Oct 4th               4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Practices Week Eight: (Varsity Only)

Mon & Tues, Oct 7th & 8th                 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm









Tennis Camp 2013

Congratulations to the 2013 Tennis Camp Participants!  It was hot, but fun!  Thanks for coming out to play! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

RC Central Tennis Girls Uniform

I had to make a few here is the new uniform!  If all goes well, we will have them by the beginning of school.  I also ordered a red warm up jacket!  It will have a red RC Central Girls Logo on it as well.  I will post the jacket at a later time!

Rapid City Central Girls Tennis Team 2013/2014 Schedule

Click on the link below to see the Girls Tennis Schedule for this Fall!

Friday, July 5, 2013

RC Central Girls Uniforms

Vote Today!

Take a look at the attached images of a few selections for uniforms for the upcoming 2013 season. I would like each of you to choose your three favorites - in order.  Text/Email me your favorites by Monday July 8th!  Thanks!!

2013 Rapid City Central Girls Tennis

RC Central Girls Tennis

Practice begins August 12th!

We will be having two practices a day:  Morning and afternoon 
(times to be decided closer to August 12th)

If you haven't been outside a lot during the warmer parts of the day,
 try to get outside to acclimate yourself to the weather.

You can start by going for walks, running or even
playing tennis outside instead of inside!

We will be doing cardio drills - 
so start running or doing intervals prior to practice starting.

We still have some lessons available at Parkview Tennis Courts and and Sioux Park!
 Sign up and the second session (for high school students) will be scholarshipped
by the Black Hills Tennis Association)

Our first few matches will be:

Saturday, August 24th vs. STM at 10:00
Tuesday, Ausgust 27th at Mitchell
12:30 vs. Mitchell
3:30 vs. Vermillion
Friday, August 30th vs. Brandon Valley at 10:00

Get your physicals before practice starts, I will hand out consent forms August 12th OR you can pick one up at Central to have your physician sign one prior to August 12th.

Rapid City Central Tennis Camp

Tennis Camp

for any Central High School Tennis Player or
any student interested in playing tennis
for Rapid City Central for the 2013/2014 school year

July 8th - July 11th
1:00 to 3:00
Parkview Tennis Courts

Things to bring with you...
1.  Lots of water
2.  Snacks (granola bars, nuts, etc)
3.  Towel
4.  Lots of water

We will be running, doing cardio drills and LOTS of tennis drills and games! 
I can't wait to see all of you!

If you haven't been outside a lot this summer, try to get outside for a few hours a day to acclimate yourself to the warm weather prior to Tennis Camp!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Need a new raquet?

Sioux Park Pro Shop

Has a new line up of Wilson raquets, shoes and accessories!

Stop by and check them out!

8:00am to 3:00pm (approximate times)

CHS Boys and Girls Tennis Clinic

Central High School Boys and Girls Tennis Clinic

Monday - Friday
July 8th - 12th, 2013

1:00pm - 3:00pm
Parkview Tennis Courts

FREE to any Central Tennis Player/Student

Pre-Tournament Clinic

The Rapid City Park and Rec
is sponsoring a

Pre-Tournament Clinic

Monday and Tuesday
June 24th - 25th
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Cost is only $20.00!!

This will be a great opportunity for you to practice and "Get Ready" for the tournament!!

Stop by the courts any time to sign up or show up on Monday!

See you there!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Common Cents Open Tennis Tournament

The Common Cents Open Junior Tennis Tournament
June 26th - 28th, 2013

Sign up now for next week's tournament!

Below are directions showing you how to register.  You will need a USTA number.  
Please read through the directions to register.

If you have questions, call or text me!

Here are the link that you will need to register for the tournament:

Please play!  It is sure to be fun!

How to register on line for the tournament:

1)      Go to www.tennislink.usta/tournaments
You are looking for the USTA Tournaments Home page.

2)      On the top left, under Quick Search, type in Common Cents in the box,
click the Search tab.

3)      There will be two tournaments, Junior and Adults,
click on the one you wish to register for.

4)      Now you’re on the Tournament Home page,
click the red tab, Register now

5)      Enter your USTA number in the box and click “Continue”,
or if you need a USTA number, just above the box ‘click now’ to JOIN USTA,
then come back to this page and enter your number.
If you are registering for doubles, you will also need your partner’s USTA number.
If you would like to play doubles but don’t have a partner, you should email the tournament director, they will do their best to match you with a partner.
The email address is on the Tournament Home page.

6)      The events for the tournament will appear,
click the box(es) for the events you are entering.
Enter your phone numbers and email address in the boxes – 
this is important!
The tournament desk will need phone numbers
where they can reach you DURING the tournament.

7)      This will take you to the Cart Summary describing what you are entering in.

8)      Proceed to Check out, enter your payment information

9)      Print your confirmation and save it. 


The Rapid City Park and Rec
is sponsoring a

Pre-Tournament Clinic

Monday and Tuesday
June 24th - 25th
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Cost is only $20.00!!

This will be a great opportunity for you to practice and "Get Ready" for the tournament!!

Stop by the courts any time to sign up or show up on Monday!

See you there!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5k Run on June 15th at 8:30 am

The Club for Boys 5k Run
June 15th at 8:30 am

Cost is $17 before June 7th and $20 after.  If you register prior to race day, you will get a T-Shirt!

Start getting in shape now for tennis!  It is only 3 miles!  You can run or walk it...Join a friend!

Register Today!  Here is the website for online registration!

See you there!!

Don't forget to sign up for Parkview Tennis Lessons!  Remember, You can even sign up with me on Monday, June 3rd!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Tennis at Parkview


Summer Tennis at Parkview

There are quite a few Tennis Sessions to choose from at Parkview Courts this summer!

For any Central Tennis Player:  Pay for one session at Parkview and get a session paid for through scholarship funds from the Black Hills Tennis Association!

Go to the website listed below for more information.

For any of the sessions listed on the page, you can register and pay online or you can sign up with me at Parkview Courts!

The sessions start Monday, June 3rd!  Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Summer Tennis

Here is a listing of Tennis Tournaments, Camps and lessons.  Click on the links to view.

Check this site regularly for more information!

Rapid City Central take 8th Place at State Tournament

The 2013 Rapid City Central Boys Tennis Team took 8th Place this last weekend ousting Sioux Falls Roosevelt and Sioux Falls Washington.

The team worked hard this year and it paid off!

We have two finishers to announce:
This photo is taken from the Rapid City Journal.  To see more information, click on the link below.

Nathanial Cherry for taking 3rd place this year!  Congratulations and according to a couple of Yankton Tennis Players "He's an awesome tennis player!".  Thanks Nate!  To read the complete story click on this link:

John Robidoux on the far left accepting his award for Consolation Champ at Flight #3.

John Robidoux --- Consolation Champ at Flight #3!  Wicked Awesome John!

I would like to take this time to say "THANK YOU!" to all of the players for making this year a Wonderful Season and Experience!

I would also like to thank the parents for making this year a success too!  Without your support and contributions to the team, our year would not have been as successful!  THANK YOU!

Rapid City Central Boys Tennis Awards Night Ice Cream Social


Ice Cream Social Awards Night for

Rapid City Central Tennis Team

Tuesday, May 21st


Central High School Cafeteria

Please RSVP to Coach Steinley by Tuesday!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

South Dakota State Boys Tennis Tournament

South Dakota State Boys Tennis Tournament

Sioux Falls, SD
May 16th - 18th, 2013

Rapid City Central Boys Tennis Team will depart from Rapid City Central High School at 8:30 am on Wednesday, May 15th.

I would like to wish The Team GOOD LUCK!  I am excited for the tournament.  I think after the last couple of days, they will do well!

I have to say "THANK YOU"! to Tom Tolman and Gavin Fenske - our guest "Coaches" for Monday and Tuesday!  The Team loved it and are very excited to keep playing!  So....again.. Thanks!!

Back to the State Tournament.....

We will begin first round play at 9:00 Thursday and will be playing at three different parks:  Washington, McKennan and......Brandon Valley!  A little different than last year.

I will keep you posted on scores by posting them on this blog at the end of the day.  Look for photos, too!

I would also like to take this time to say "Thank You" to the parents of our team!  You have been wonderful fans and very helpful with each home meet. I have learned that we are very good to our opponents!  Thank You for everything that you have done!  I really appreciate it and it has helped me with my first official year of coaching!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sioux Falls Trip May 10th and 11th, 2013

On Friday, May 10th, the RC Central Boys Tennis Team will travel to Sioux Falls, SD.  We will be playing O'Gorman at 2:00 on Friday and Aberdeen Roncali at 5:00.

I will be sending home an information sheet about the trip on Tuesday, May 7th.  Let me know if you have any questions about it.  Below is the information that will be on the information sheet.

Sioux Falls Tennis Trip    May 10th – 11th, 2013

Trip Specifications:

Depart: Rapid City Central at 6:00am Sharp, May 10th.  From Activities Door East Side.

Return: approximately 11:00 pm Saturday, May 11th.

What to Bring:

·         Bring ALL of your uniforms plus more….You may want to change before getting on the bus to drive back. 

·         Bring games for ride there and back.

·         Bring warm and cold clothes.  You never know what the weather is going to do!

·         Bring your water jugs.

·         $30 (minimum) for food, water, incidentals…..Bring more $ if you think you will spend more!

·         Food:  Granola bars, sandwiches, water, Gatorade, snacks.

·         We will eat after our two matches on Friday.  We play at 2:00 and 5:00 (approximate times) on Friday and 9:00 am and 1:00 pm on Saturday.  You may have to pay for both meals.  I will check on availability of funds.  If you want Pizza Ranch, we can get a reduced rate if we call 2 days ahead of time.  Varsity will decide where we eat.

·         We will eat breakfast at the hotel, lunch will be on your own at the site you are playing tennis. Bring lots of food with you!

·         We will stop and eat prior to leaving Sioux Falls on Saturday.  Bring money for that meal, also.


·         We will be staying at Comfort Inn South

·         3216 S Carolyn Ave  Sioux Falls, SD   Phone: 605-361-2822     

·         There will be THREE to FOUR players to a room.

·         Lights out at 10:00 pm. Bob and I will be stopping by!

·         NO DRAMA!  NO PLAY if DRAMA! 

·         The hotel desk will have my cell phone number….If there is too much noise or anything else, they will call me.  If anything is damaged, stolen or broker, etc, it is YOUR responsibility!  It will come out of your Budget!  No meals, etc.  You work hard to earn that money to help pay for meals, etc….don’t waste it on paying bills to fix things that you broke or stole.. Don’t take pillows or towels with you when you leave.

·         No messing around….ask… “What would Steinley Do?”

·         Remember, you are representing RC Central…..make us proud to be your coaches.

·         Meet for Breakfast at 7:00 am.  We will need to leave early to drop players off at a variety of locations.  Play starts at 9:00 at each location.  Set your alarms and be ready to leave by 7:30am!

·         Coach Steinley will set up the rooming arrangements.  Be responsible.


·         Be Respectful!

·         Be Quiet!

·         No Drama! -  IF there is Drama – NO PLAY!

·         No messing around….ask… “What would Steinley Do?”

On the Tennis Courts:

·         Be Respectful!

·         Be Courteous – Shake hands at the end of the match and say “Good Game” – or something similar….

·         If you can’t tell if the ball is in or out…’s IN!

·         You are a representative of Rapid City Central – Show them that you are respectful and courteous!  Make them say good things about you and about us!

·         No Swearing or throwing your racquet.