Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Aberdeen/Sioux Falls Trip

Aberdeen/Sioux Falls Girls Tennis Trip

Friday, Sept. 20th the girls will take on Aberdeen Central at 1:00pm and at 3:00 Aberdeen Roncali.
Saturday, Sept. 21st the girls will play in the Elliot Extravaganza.  Play starts at 9:00 am with Singles and then 1:00 with Doubles.

Below is our Schedule of Hotels for both JV and Varsity.  The JV will return on Saturday night.  The JV will travel to Watertown Saturday night and then to Sioux Falls on Sunday.  We will be staying in Sioux Falls Sunday and Monday nights.

Mon, Sept 23rd we will begin play at 1:00 against SF O Gorman and then 4:00 against Roosevelt.
Tues, Sept 24th we will begin play at 9:00 against SF Washington and then 12:00 aginast SF Lincoln.