Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Just a Few......

Just a few little things before practice starts on August 12th!!

1.  The new uniforms came in today and they are CUTE!! 

2.  If you haven't, make sure you get your physical done before August 12th!!  You can go to for the forms!  You can take the completed physical forms to the Activities Office at Central after August 5th or you can bring them to our first practice on August 12th!

3.  Parent Consent Forms are also due on August 12th.  You can pick those up at the Activities Office after August 5th.

3.  I have changed practice please make sure you check the practice schedule!  Our first practice is at 7:00 am at Parkview Courts on August 12th!

4.  If you haven't been spending time outside....Start today!  It is warm and you will need to acclimate or get used to the warm weather before you  start practicing and playing outside!

5.  Remember to drink lots of water while you are exercising!