Thursday, April 25, 2013

Congratulations to the Boys 2013 Tennis Team for their win over RC St. Thomas More!  The score was 6-3!  Nice job everyone!  The weather was beautiful and we had a lot of wonderful tennis.  The team also took on Rapid City Stevens.  We lost, but walked away with more games! The Junior Varsity also played a lot of tennis today against Rapid City Stevens and are doing better every day!  Excellent Day! I will be posting the results soon! 

Friday morning, April 26th, RC Central Boys Tennis Team will host Gillette, Wyoming at Parkview Tennis Courts at 9:30 am.  We will be playing two out of three sets with a third set tie breaker!  Good Luck Boys!

Friday afternoon, April 26th through Saturday afternoon, April 27th, Rapid City will be hosting the Rapid City Invitational Tennis Meet.  RC Central and Stevens welcomes RC St. Thomas More, Gillette, Wyoming, Aberdeen Roncoli, Spearfish, Pierre and Sioux Falls O'Gorman! Good Luck to all!

The weather will be wonderful!  Don't forget to bring plenty of water and sunscreen!