The Common Cents Open Junior Tennis Tournament
June 26th - 28th, 2013
Sign up now for next week's tournament!
Below are directions showing you how to register. You will need a USTA number.
Please read through the directions to register.
If you have questions, call or text me!
Here are the link that you will need to register for the tournament:
Please play! It is sure to be fun!
How to register on line for
the tournament:
You are looking for the USTA Tournaments Home page.
On the top left, under Quick
Search, type in Common Cents in the box,
click the Search tab.
There will be two
tournaments, Junior and Adults,
click on the one you wish to register for.
Now you’re on the Tournament
Home page,
click the red tab, Register now
Enter your USTA number in
the box and click “Continue”,
or if you need a USTA number, just above the box
‘click now’ to JOIN USTA,
then come back to this page and enter your number.
you are registering for doubles, you will also need your partner’s USTA number.
If you would like to play doubles but don’t have a partner, you should email
the tournament director, they will do their best to match you with a partner.
The email address is on the Tournament Home page.
The events for the
tournament will appear,
click the box(es) for the events you are entering.
Enter your phone numbers and email address in the boxes –
this is important!
The tournament desk will need phone numbers
where they can reach you DURING the
This will take you to the
Cart Summary describing what you are entering in.
Proceed to Check out, enter
your payment information
Print your confirmation and
save it.
The Rapid City Park and Rec
is sponsoring a
Pre-Tournament Clinic
Monday and Tuesday
June 24th - 25th
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Cost is only $20.00!!
This will be a great opportunity for you to practice and "Get Ready" for the tournament!!
Stop by the courts any time to sign up or show up on Monday!
See you there!!